Herbert Sitz <hs...@nwlink.com> writes:
> In Linux I'm not sure how to do the quoting.  I tried this:
> --->  emacs --eval "( find-file "/home/somefile.org" )"

Provided you don't use any completely exotic shell, that is what Emacs
gets to see:

( find-file /home/somefile.org )

> And I get the error:
>    Symbols' value as variable is void:  /home/somefile\.org
> It seems there's some problem with the period in the filename, but maybe it's
> more than that.  Can anyone explain how to properly quote the Linux 
> commandline
> version?  (File comes up fine if I just do find-file in a running emacs.)

A safe way to quote this particular invocation:

emacs --eval '( find-file "/home/somefile.org" )'

This only works in tcsh

emacs --eval "( find-file \\"/home/somefile.org\\" ) "

Bash needs this instead

emacs --eval "( find-file "'"'"/home/somefile.org"'"'" ) "

THere may be other solutions for bash, but I never really got the hang
of their quoting rules.

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