Toby <> writes:

> Hello,
> I am new to org-mode so really just trying to learn the ropes. If anyone can 
> help me figure out how to export images to PDF I would appreciate it as I 
> can't get it to work despite trying various methods in the .org file.
> 1. [[./images/1.png]]
> 2. [[./images/1.eps]]
> 3. #+LaTeX: \includegraphics[width=5em]{./images/1.eps}
> The above produce no graphics (or showing the link to the file) in the PDF 
> which is successfully created with C-c C-e d
> I have tried different classes (article and koma-article) such as:
> #+LaTeX_CLASS: koma-article
> #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper]
> I am using:
> Debian Squeeze
> GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.1)
> I have installed: texlive and texlive-latex-extra
> Thank you in advance for any suggestions on where I should be looking, or 
> further information I should be providing to help diagnose the problem.
> Cheers,
> Toby
Aloha Toby,

Welcome to Org-mode.

Typically, for questions like yours, you will need to provide something
the Org-mode community calls an ECM, which is an acronym for a minimal
complete example.  The example should fail to produce the results you
expect, which you should specify, and it should contain as little other
material as possible.  In your case you might want to share the ECM
Org-mode file and the resulting .tex file.

Out of the box, Org-mode uses pdflatex to create pdf from LaTeX source
(although this can be modified).  Pdflatex does not accept eps files for
graphic input, so this might have been part of your problem.  It does
accept png files, though, so it appears something else might be going

You might also check your Org-mode version.  I don't keep up with the
various Linux distributions but I understand that some of them ship old
versions of Org-mode.  The current version is 7.7 and you'll want to use
something fairly close to that.


Thomas S. Dye

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