Hi everyone,

I'm trying to understand timestamps a bit better.  I'm exporting my
syllabus to html, using org2blog for my wordpress course site. The
syllabus includes a timestamp at the beginning of each week of the
description.  org-time-stamp-custom-formats is set to:

("<%m/%d/%Y>" . "<%m/%d/%y %a %H:%M>")

which is sort of the American standard (sidenote: how do I toggle
between these custom values? I only seem to be able to toggle between
overlaid and not overlaid).

In Emacs, when I look at my org file, thetimestamp displays just as I
want it to.  But on export to HTML, the timestamp returns to the ISO
format ("2011-10-06 Thu").  Is this an inevitable behaviour?  if not,
how do I get around it?  I can more or less live with this output, but
it's a bit awkward for my students to read.

Thanks very much!

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