Hi Renato,

Renato wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Aug 2011 16:13:22 +0200
> "Sebastien Vauban" <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> wrote:
>> Renato wrote:
>> > Hello, I'm trying to set up org-remember, however I'm having some
>> > problems. I seem to miss the function org-remember-insinuate (No
>> > Match). However that function seems to be defined in
>> > org-remember.el.gz which is in /usr/share/emacs/23.3/lisp/org (and
>> > this path is in load-path). 
>> >
>> > should I post somewhere my .emacs?
>> >
>> > I'm on archlinux, emacs version 23.3.1 and the org-mode shipped
>> > with it (6.33)
>> If you can, try updating to Org 7.7 or something approaching.
>> Org-remember has been replaced by a very similar, but still different
>> set of variales/templates/etc., package called Org-capture.
> yeah, I've seen it (going through the compact guide for 7.7 which
> treats org-capture). But since I saw -on the org manual I think- that
> upgrading from org-remember to org-capture is rather painless, I was
> hoping to be able to stick to the org shipped with emacs. Archlinux
> doesn't provide binaries for "standalone" org and compiling it myself
> would make future updates more cumbersome - though I'll indeed go that
> route if I can't solve this issue in the next few days.
> so, no idea on why I can't call org-remember-insinuate?

I still would advice you to try and use Org 7+. There are huge, really huge,
differences with Org 6.33. Not just on the capture side.

Though, from your description, it seems to me you'd just miss the following
line in your .emacs:

(require 'org-remember)

Just put it there, restart Emacs and tell us whether that was it or not.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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