Hi there,

I am planning to use gnuplot to plot some data that I have in org table.
Everything is set-up correctly and gnuplot is installed my mac.
Unfortunately, when I run the following org file I get a zero byte file --
everything seems to run ok, except nothing is written to the output file.
Does anybody know what I am doing wrong ?

#+tblname: testing
| x |  y |
| 1 |  2 |
| 2 |  4 |
| 3 |  6 |
| 4 |  8 |
| 5 | 10 |
| 6 | 12 |
| 7 | 14 |
| 8 | 16 |
#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=testing :file output.eps :exports both
set title "test"
set auto x
set style data histogram
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 0.9
plot data using 1:2


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