Pere Quintana Seguí <> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm using Org-mode to publish my website. One of my site's pages has
> a lot of sections and the number of sections is increasing rapidly. 
> My problem is that the HTML exporter, in the Table of Contents, is
> using the section numbers as anchors. As the section numbers change
> with time, I can't get stable links across versions of the document. 
> As many of the sections (headings) have id properties, I'd like the
> HTML exporter to use them as anchor for the Table of Contents, when
> available.
> Is this possible? I didn't find an answer in the manual.
> As an example. This is the document I'm working on:
> As you can see, section 2.78, called RSS, has the anchor sec-2-78. If
> the anchor was its id "04E3903E-EAF1-499F-98CD-9E3E4BA0806A", the
> link would remain the same in the future. I don't mind if the URL is
> not human readable. Sec-2-78 isn't human readable too.

Hi Pere,

You can manually provide CUSTOM_ID properties.  These ids are used in
the TOC.


* Reminders
  :CUSTOM_ID: Reminders


I don't know if there is a way to use the ID property automatically.


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