> The test result with failing tests for Emacs23 is attached.
> ,----
> | Passed: 101
> | Failed: 8 (8 unexpected)
> | Total:  109/109
> |
> | Started at:   2011-09-11 19:53:46+0200
> | Finished.
> | Finished at:  2011-09-11 19:53:51+0200
> `----
> 7 of the 8 are fortran-tests, the 8th is
> `org-babel-get-inline-src-block-matches'.

I would imagine that the fortran tests are failing because you do not
have the gfortran executable in your path.  I had to apt-get install
fortran for these tests to pass.

The eighth test should not be passing.  I've getting all tests passing
on Emacs24.

>> Once we have all tests running for Emacs>=22 it would be very nice (and
>> not too difficult) to add a post-update hook to the Org-mode git
>> repository which could run the test suite and record the results for
>> every version of Emacs with something like the following
>> emacs23 -Q --batch -l $ORGTESTSTUFF --eval "
>> (progn (org-test-run-all-tests)
>>        (htmlize-buffer)
>>        (write-file "commit-id-23.html"))"
> +1

I suppose the next step here would be to talk to Bastien about setting
up such a system on the org-mode server.

Cheers -- Eric

> Best,
>   -- David
> --
> OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6
> Jabber.... dmj...@jabber.org
> Email..... dm...@ictsoc.de

Eric Schulte

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