Nick Dokos <> wrote:

> All in all, a disaster: can a posting be deleted? or at least marked
> with a big, red X so that it won't mislead in the future? I'll try to
> post a corrected version later on.

Here's an attempt to correct the problems that Christian, Lawrence and I
found in my previous attempt. I include two tables, Jude's original and
a truncated version to force multimodality. I hope that this is correct
(but I would not be surprised if there are other errors lurking - but at
least it is better than the previous version). As always, I'd appreciate
corrections etc.


--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
| Date Stamp             | Systolic | Diastolic | Pulse |
| [2011-07-19 Tue 02:26] |      138 |        92 |    74 |
| [2011-07-20 Wed 04:03] |      130 |        85 |    74 |
| [2011-07-21 Thu 03:50] |      128 |        79 |    76 |
| [2011-07-22 Fri 02:33] |      121 |        80 |    79 |
| [2011-07-23 Sat 02:52] |      118 |        75 |    68 |
| [2011-07-24 Sun 04:13] |      126 |        83 |    78 |
| [2011-07-25 Mon 02:12] |      122 |        79 |    76 |
| [2011-07-26 Tue 01:57] |      124 |        79 |    72 |
| [2011-07-27 Wed 04:03] |      137 |        74 |    76 |
| [2011-07-28 Thu 03:47] |      136 |        80 |    76 |
| [2011-07-29 Fri 04:06] |      120 |        72 |    76 |
| [2011-07-30 Sat 03:18] |      128 |        92 |    80 |
| [2011-07-31 Sun 07:11] |      124 |        84 |    72 |
| [2011-08-01 Mon 04:55] |      124 |        77 |    69 |
| [2011-08-02 Tue 02:47] |      128 |        80 |    67 |
| [2011-08-03 Wed 06:00] |      132 |        89 |    70 |
| [2011-08-04 Thu 04:30] |      137 |        82 |    77 |
| [2011-08-05 Fri 06:10] |      124 |        86 |    77 |
| [2011-08-06 Sat 04:04] |      139 |        88 |    78 |
| [2011-08-07 Sun 04:02] |      124 |        80 |    68 |
| [2011-08-08 Mon 06:36] |      137 |        93 |    79 |
| [2011-08-10 Wed 04:03] |      120 |        80 |    68 |
| [2011-08-11 Thu 04:30] |      128 |        78 |    77 |
| [2011-08-12 Fri 06:36] |      143 |        82 |    76 |
| [2011-08-13 Sat 06:18] |      125 |        76 |    69 |
| [2011-08-14 Sun 04:04] |      123 |        70 |    69 |
| [2011-08-15 Mon 04:04] |      135 |        83 |    76 |
| [2011-08-16 Tue 04:03] |      128 |        80 |    69 |
| [2011-08-17 Wed 04:04] |      124 |        80 |    68 |
| [2011-08-18 Thu 05:58] |      136 |        87 |    72 |
| [2011-08-19 Fri 05:50] |      116 |        80 |    64 |
| [2011-08-20 Sat 06:38] |      139 |        84 |    64 |
| [2011-08-21 Sun 08:20] |      124 |        84 |    73 |
| [2011-08-22 Mon 03:50] |      138 |        76 |    70 |
| [2011-08-23 Tue 05:52] |      126 |        79 |    68 |
| [2011-08-24 Wed 04:53] |      125 |        81 |    64 |
| [2011-08-25 Thu 05:37] |      124 |        79 |    68 |
| [2011-08-26 Fri 06:41] |      124 |        87 |    74 |
| [2011-08-27 Sat 05:44] |      133 |        74 |    61 |
| [2011-08-28 Sun 03:22] |      124 |        76 |    61 |
| [2011-08-29 Mon 04:06] |      124 |        76 |    65 |
| [2011-08-30 Tue 05:52] |      139 |        87 |    71 |
| [2011-08-31 Wed 06:47] |      152 |        86 |    68 |
| [2011-09-01 Thu 06:00] |      136 |        86 |    78 |
| [2011-09-02 Fri 01:22] |      142 |       100 |    78 |
| [2011-09-03 Sat 09:12] |      126 |        79 |    70 |
| [2011-09-04 Sun 11:53] |      130 |        90 |    72 |
| [2011-09-05 Mon 06:29] |      138 |        77 |    65 |
| [2011-09-06 Tue 05:42] |      121 |        76 |    68 |
| [2011-09-07 Wed 06:47] |      131 |        77 |    68 |
| [2011-09-08 Thu 06:02] |      122 |        76 |    72 |
| [2011-09-10 Sat 05:38] |      126 |        76 |    69 |
| [2011-09-11 Sun 10:12] |      137 |        87 |    64 |
| [2011-09-12 Mon 04:00] |      135 |        78 |    89 |
| [2011-09-13 Tue 06:00] |      132 |        82 |    66 |
| [2011-09-14 Wed 06:01] |      137 |        77 |    77 |
| [2011-09-15 Thu 04:08] |      141 |        87 |    64 |
| [2011-09-17 Sat 08:35] |      121 |        78 |    66 |
| [2011-09-18 Sun 07:04] |      124 |        69 |    65 |
| [2011-09-19 Mon 06:00] |      133 |        81 |    69 |
| mode                   |      124 |        80 |    68 |
| min                    |      116 |        69 |    61 |
| max                    |      152 |       100 |    89 |
#+TBLFM: @>>>$2..@>>>$4=vmode(@I..@II) :: @>>$2..@>>$4=vmin(@I..@II) :: 

| Date Stamp             |   Systolic | Diastolic | Pulse |
| [2011-07-19 Tue 02:26] |        138 |        92 |    74 |
| [2011-07-20 Wed 04:03] |        130 |        85 |    74 |
| [2011-07-21 Thu 03:50] |        128 |        79 |    76 |
| [2011-07-22 Fri 02:33] |        121 |        80 |    79 |
| [2011-07-23 Sat 02:52] |        118 |        75 |    68 |
| [2011-07-24 Sun 04:13] |        126 |        83 |    78 |
| [2011-07-25 Mon 02:12] |        122 |        79 |    76 |
| [2011-07-26 Tue 01:57] |        124 |        79 |    72 |
| [2011-07-27 Wed 04:03] |        137 |        74 |    76 |
| [2011-07-28 Thu 03:47] |        136 |        80 |    76 |
| [2011-07-29 Fri 04:06] |        120 |        72 |    76 |
| [2011-07-30 Sat 03:18] |        128 |        92 |    80 |
| [2011-07-31 Sun 07:11] |        124 |        84 |    72 |
| [2011-08-01 Mon 04:55] |        124 |        77 |    69 |
| [2011-08-02 Tue 02:47] |        128 |        80 |    67 |
| [2011-08-03 Wed 06:00] |        132 |        89 |    70 |
| mode                   | [128, 124] |  [80, 79] |    76 |
| min                    |        118 |        72 |    67 |
| max                    |        138 |        92 |    80 |
#+TBLFM: @>>>$2..@>>>$4=vmode(@I..@II) :: @>>$2..@>>$4=vmin(@I..@II) :: 

#+begin_src elisp

(defun calcFunc-vmode (&rest vecs)
  (let* ((flat (copy-sequence (cdr (math-flatten-many-vecs vecs))))
         (p flat)
         (len (length flat))
         freqs ret)
    (if (= len 0)
        (math-reject-arg nil "*Must be at least 1 argument")
      (if (and (= len 1) (memq (car-safe (car flat)) '(sdev intv)))
          (calcFunc-vmean (car flat))
        (while p
          (if (eq (car-safe (car p)) 'sdev)
              (setcar p (nth 1 (car p))))
          (or (Math-anglep (car p))
              (math-reject-arg (car p) 'anglep))
          (setq p (cdr p)))
        (setq flat (sort flat 'math-lessp))
        (setq freqs (vfreqs flat))
        (setq ret (maxfreq freqs))
        (if (null (cdr ret))
            ;; singleton
            (car ret)
          (cons 'vec (nreverse ret)))

(defun vfreqs (v)
  "v is assumed to be sorted.
  Return a list of pairs: (count element)
  for each distinct element of v."
  (let ((count 0)
        (prev (car v))
        (vec v)
    (setq freqs nil)
    (while vec
      (if (= (nth 0 vec) prev)
          (setq count (1+ count))
        (setq freqs (cons (list count prev) freqs))
        (setq count 1 prev (nth 0 vec)))
      (setq vec (cdr vec)))
    (cons (list count prev) freqs)))

(defun freq-greater (a b)
  (if (> (car a) (car b))

(defun maxfreq (f)
  "Sort the frequency list by count and return a list of
  elements with maximal count."
  (let* ((fs (sort f 'freq-greater))
         (maxf (car (nth 0 fs)))
    (while (and fs (= (car (nth 0 fs)) maxf))
      (setq ret (cons (cadr (nth 0 fs)) ret))
      (setq fs (cdr fs)))

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

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