Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> zwz <> writes:
>> I use org to make presentations for C class.
>> Sometimes the code is quite long. And I want to arrange it in two
> column
>> so that it will be presented in one slide.
>> I wonder how to do it easily using org-export. 
>> My current setting just hides the code that beyond the page in one
>> column.
>> Best regards,
>> zwz 
> I cannot help you directly in that I don't know how to /flow/ text (or
> code) from one column to the next.  I don't think it is actually
> possible in beamer.
> However, it *is* straightforward to flow text from one slide to the next
> by simply adding =allowframebreaks= to the beamer environment
> arguments.  For instance,
> #+begin_src org
> *** Code example
>     :BEAMER_envargs: [allowframebreaks]
>     :END:
> #+LATEX: {\scriptsize
> #+begin_example
>    <code goes here>
> #+end_example
> #+LATEX: }
> #+end_src
> The slides will automatically be numbered using roman numerals should
> more than one slide (aka frame in beamer speak) be required.
> I use latex directives to make the font a little smaller to ensure that
> lines with within the slide width-wise.
> HTH,
> eric
It is a nice workaround.
But here in my org file, I have to put the "allowframebreaks" in level
two headlines (probably because of my setting #+BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 2), 
otherwise it does not take effect.

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