After upgrading to Lion and TeXLive-2011, I found my pdflatex export
was no longer working (in that it would only call pdflatex once, and
would not run bibtex). Having spent a couple of hours finding a
solution, I thought I should share to perhaps save some others the

I had to do two things to fix the problem:
1) set my org-latex-to-pdf-process variable to ("pdflatex -interaction
batchmode -output-directory %o %b" "bibtex %b" "pdflatex -interaction
batchmode -output-directory %o %b" "pdflatex -interaction batchmode
-output-directory %o %b").
-interaction nonstopmode
(which I was in my previous setting) no longer seemed to work - the
whole thing seemed to exit after the first call to pdflatex, so that
subsequent commands were not executed.
2) add the line
(or openout_any=a)
to the file
Apparently, the default is openout_any=p, where the p stands for
'paranoid', and as a result bibtex refuses to write the .blg file.


Tony Ware

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