On 09/21/2011 09:40 PM, G. Jay Kerns wrote:
> In other words, it looks like I am obliged to :body-only t which cuts
> out header/footer/TOC or I can NOT do :body-only t which will give me
> the TOC plus a bunch of extra stuff.
> My question:  is it possible to do what I want?  Is there some sort of
> YAML {{ page.toc }} that I'm missing somewhere, or is there some
> combination of publishing options that I've missed that will export an
> org file to an HTML file that looks like this:

Hi Jay,

I faced the same problem about a year ago.
See this thread in the mailing list archive:


The HTML exporter will refuse to include a TOC if body-only is t; the
atom exporter and a "send HTML messages with Wanderlust" hack relied on
that behaviour, which is why this was not changed in the official Org

You can either apply the one-line patch I included in the linked thread
or ask Ian Barton about his solution using jQuery he mentioned at the
end of that thread.


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