On 9/24/11 7:16 AM, John Wiegley wrote:
Dave Abrahams<d...@boostpro.com>  writes:

I have habits that I need to perform, e.g., every weekday, or four times a
week.  I don't see a way to express that.  If I could schedule a task for
+1.4d or +1.75d (respectively), I'd be happy.

Habits aren't really for scheduling, they're for monitoring a simple kind of
consistency.  So, if you *actually* need to do something four times a week,
habits aren't the best way to express that need.

It's funny that this topic came up on the mailing list just now -- I've been working on integrating org-mode more into my daily workflow, and am starting to put some habits in and was trying to figure out how to make the habits repeat in the way I want them to.

If I have something that I want to track in terms of consistency, and want to do it during the weekdays, is there a way I could express that other then having a series of 5 habits, one for each day of the week, each one of which would repeat every week?

Michael Steeves (stee...@raingods.net)

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