
XHTML produced with Org-special-blocks is not well-formed; <div> tags get wrapped in <p> tags. Example:

   Some text.

     Some details left out of the main text.

     Some more details.

   Some more text.

This results in the following html, which causes XML processors to fail.

   <div class="sidebar">
     Some details left out of the main text.
     Some more details.
   Some more text.

The problem seems to be fixed by un-commenting the fifth line in the below function in org-special-blocks.el:

   (defun org-special-blocks-convert-html-special-cookies ()
     "Converts the special cookies into div blocks."
     ;; Uses the dynamically-bound variable `line'.
     (when (string-match "^ORG-\\(.*\\)-\\(START\\|END\\)$" line)
   ;    (org-close-par-maybe)
       (message "%s" (match-string 1))
       (if (equal (match-string 2 line) "START")
           (insert "<div class=\"" (match-string 1 line) "\">\n")
         (insert "</div>\n"))
       (throw 'nextline nil)))

Does anyone know if that was commented out for a reason?


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