Is there a way to create a date-tree in my current file, or is the
only way to use a capture template pre-set to use a date-tree for the
headline? For projects I have a setup something like this:

* Tracking
Stores todos and such

* Journals
Stores chronological notes that aren't todos. Lets me know when I
worked on things.

* Reference
Odds and ends that aren't chronological, but that I might want to look at.

It would be awesome to be in a project file and then jump right to a
current date tree and start taking notes about something. Capture is
the only way I've seen to do this, but it seems to require a specific
file target, which means I need capture templates for every project
file, right? Or is there some option like (file+datetree
"~/['use-this-file].org") (just throwing something out there)?

Thanks for any comments.


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