on Sun Oct 09 2011, Bernt Hansen <bernt-AT-norang.ca> wrote:

> Is it just a matter of defining the mode to use for some new source?

Sorry, I don't think I understand the question.

> For plantuml I have the following:
> (org-babel-do-load-languages
>  (quote org-babel-load-languages)
>  (quote ((emacs-lisp . t)
>        (dot . t)
>        (ditaa . t)
>        (R . t)
>        (python . t)
>        (ruby . t)
>        (gnuplot . t)
>        (clojure . t)
>        (sh . t)
>        (ledger . t)
>        (org . t)
>        (plantuml . t)
>        (latex . t))))
> (add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes (quote ("plantuml" . fundamental)))
> This enables fundamental-mode when I C-c ' on a plantuml block
> #+begin_src plantuml :file foo.png
> #+end_src
> Does that help?

I'm not sure... *looks up org-src-lang-modes* Oh, no I think you
misunderstood me.  I am not trying to add an additional language
recognizer to org-babel.

Markdown is a plaintext document format roughly similar to Org.  What I
want is to modify markdown-mode so that /its/ code blocks, which are
currently recognized by markdown-mode but rendered in one solid face and
without any language-specific editing smarts, behave like org's.

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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