For the record, this is a new installation of debian wheezy and 
the makeinfo utility doesn't appear to be in the distribution let alone 
on my system.

Script started on Tue 18 Oct 2011 03:50:42 AM EDT
jude@stmarys:~$ ./
find: `/usr/lost+found': Permission denied
(cd doc && makeinfo --no-split org.texi -o org)
/bin/sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
make: *** [doc/org] Error 127
jude@stmarys:~$ exit

Script done on Tue 18 Oct 2011 03:51:22 AM EDT

On Tue, 18 Oct 2011, Michael Brand wrote:

> Hi Jude
> Have you checked if the binary makeinfo can be found somewhere and if
> it is reachable by your PATH? What is the output of these commands?
> find /usr /bin /sbin -name makeinfo
> echo $PATH
> cd ~/org-mode && make info
> Michael
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 07:02, Jude DaShiell <> wrote:
> > Script started on Tue 18 Oct 2011 12:55:27 AM EDT
> > jude@stmarys:~/org-mode$ make   [K  [K  [K  [K  [Ksudo make install-info
> > (cd doc && makeinfo --no-split org.texi -o org)
> > /bin/sh: 1: makeinfo: not found
> > make: *** [doc/org] Error 127
> > jude@stmarys:~/org-mode$ exit
> > exit
> >
> > Script done on Tue 18 Oct 2011 12:56:00 AM EDT

Jude <>
If I got a nickel for every message I've already sent supporting Microsoft
Windows and its applications I'd have enough to retire on comfortably no
matter what the stock market did.

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