#+BABEL:   :engine msosql :cmdline -S <SERVER> -U <USER> -P <PASS> -d 
<DATABASE> -n -w 700

* Show code of stored procedure

Despite telling Babel that I'd like to see the output as it is, it displays it
in a 4-column table.

See http://i.imgur.com/neDO3.png for the original layout in SQL Query Analyser
(1 column, 34 lines).

Babel seems to interpret every *leading space* as *one empty column*. Normal,
feature, bug?

Is there some workaround to this?  I thought stating "scalar" would really
completely override any interpretation...

** Code

This is an example of code run against a Microsoft SQL server.

#+begin_src sql :eval yes :results output scalar
EXEC sp_helptext 'dt_setpropertybyid'

| Text                                    |                                     
| /*                                      |                                     
|                                         |                                     
| **                                      | If the property already exists, 
reset the value; otherwise add property |                                       
|                                         |                                     
| **                                      |                                     
                                    | id -- the id in sysobjects of the object  
|                                         |                                     
| **                                      |                                     
                                    | property -- the name of the property      
|                                         |                                     
| **                                      |                                     
                                    | value -- the text value of the property   
|                                         |                                     
| **                                      |                                     
                                    | lvalue -- the binary value of the 
property (image)                                          |                     
|                                         |                                     
| */                                      |                                     
|                                         |                                     
| create procedure dbo.dt_setpropertybyid |                                     
|                                         |                                     
|                                         | @id int,                            
|                                         |                                     
|                                         | @property varchar(64),              
|                                         |                                     
|                                         | @value varchar(255),                
|                                         |                                     
|                                         | @lvalue image                       
|                                         |                                     
| as                                      |                                     
|                                         |                                     
|                                         | set nocount on                      
|                                         |                                     
|                                         | declare @uvalue nvarchar(255)       
|                                         |                                     
|                                         | set @uvalue = 
convert(nvarchar(255), @value)                            |                     
|                                         |                                     
|                                         | if exists (select * from 
dbo.dtproperties                               |                                
|                                         |                                     
|                                         |                                     
                                                  | where objectid=@id and 
property=@property) |
|                                         |                                     
|                                         | begin                               
|                                         |                                     
|                                         |                                     
                                    | --                                        
|                                         |                                     
|                                         |                                     
                                    | -- bump the version count for this row as 
we update it                                      |                             
|                                         |                                     
|                                         |                                     
                                    | --                                        
|                                         |                                     
|                                         |                                     
                                    | update dbo.dtproperties set value=@value, 
uvalue=@uvalue, lvalue=@lvalue, version=version+1 |                             
|                                         |                                     
|                                         |                                     
                                                  | where objectid=@id and 
property=@property  |
|                                         |                                     
|                                         | end                                 
|                                         |                                     
|                                         | else                                

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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