Hi Nick,

Nick Dokos wrote:

> The usual method is to run a separate emacs in batch mode: that will avoid 
> any conflicts
> with the running instance. But batch implies -q, so you will have to provide 
> a minimal .emacs
> file that sets up enough structure to enable you to do what you want:
>      emacs --batch -l ~/minimal.emacs \
>        --eval '(let ((org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil))
>                     (find-file "macports.org")
>                   (org-export-as-html 3))'
> should do it.

Thanks for your help. I got it running using a similar setup. One more
question, it doesn't matter if I put the code in the file that is loaded
via -l or in the --eval block, correct? I've included the code in the my
org file, so I can tangle it. I find it better to have all the Emacs
code in one location.

Here's what I came up with:

  (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/unix/src/org-mode/lisp"))
  (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/unix/src/org-mode/contrib/lisp"))
  (require 'org)
  (require 'ob-sh)
  (require 'ansi-color)
  (let ((ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil)
        (org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
        (org-use-sub-superscripts nil))
    (find-file "~/org/projects/macports/macports.org")
        (org-id-find "83583083-47B7-44DF-8474-1C6D03491C97" 'marker)
    (org-export-as-html t)

Thanks again,

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