Eric Schulte <> writes:

>> [1] I have the same "annoying" feelings with #+SOURCE, #+SRCNAME, #+FUNCTION,
>> #+CALL, #+LOB, and SBE, some of which are interchangeable; some
>> not. I'd prefer
>> deprecating an old form when a better one is found.
> This point of view has been raised previously both on the mailing list
> and in the #org-mode IRC chat room.  I think it is time that we decided
> as a community what we want to do about the prevalence of code block
> synonyms -- we should make this decision before the release of Emacs24
> after which syntax will become harder to change.
> There are currently a number of instances of synonymous keywords when
> dealing with code blocks, specifically.
>          named code blocks [1] -- "source" "srcname" "function"
> calling external functions [2] -- "call" "lob"
>                 named data [3] -- "tblname" "resname" "results" "data"
> Ideally if we limit each of the above to only one alternative we could
> simplify the specification of code blocks in Org-mode making them easier
> to learn and use and removing some of the mystery around their syntax.
> What does everyone think?
> Are there suggestions for the best names for each code block entity
> (either in the list or not in the list)?
> Are there cases where we want to continue to allow synonyms (e.g., in
> named data so that "results" can be used for code block results but
> "data" can be used for hand-written data)?
> Thanks -- Eric
> Footnotes: 
> [1] named code blocks
>     #+source: foo
>     #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>       'foo
>     #+end_src
>     #+srcname: foo
>     #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>       'foo
>     #+end_src
>     #+function: foo
>     #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>       'foo
>     #+end_src
> [2]  calling external functions
>     #+call: foo()
>     #+lob: foo()
> [3]  named data
>     #+data: something
>     : something
>     #+results: something
>     : something
>     etc...

Hi Eric,

named code blocks [1] "source"
calling external functions [2] "call"
named data [3] "object"

My motivation for [3] "object" instead of the suggested alternates is
the hope that it will be possible to name things like lists and
paragraphs (that aren't results or data) and pass these objects to
source code blocks.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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