
Eric Schulte wrote:

I can think of three options for how to handle this situation.

1. If it turns out to be possible/desirable my preferred solution
here would be to add general property support for appending values
to properties when properties are over specified

2. Adding a "#+PROPERTY:" line authoring helper similar to the
table formula helper making it more natural to edit such long
property lines.

3. It may be possible to add syntax for extending #+PROPERTY:
specifications across multiple lines, something like

> #+PROPERTY+: SVNVERSION=(vc-working-revision (buffer-file-name)),

These are all interesting ideas, as was Darlan's alternative suggestion to Eric's suggestion (1), namely to use a special inherit argument.

I'd like to toss out a different idea, which I think is brilliant, but which may go down in flames once we've had a time to think it through. (And sorry if it's been proposed before; I came to Org just as Org-Babel was being stabilized.)

In short, let Babel assign to any declared variables of a src block the values of any properties at point with the same name. In other words:

- The :var header argument / :var: property could declare variables without assigning values, that is, you could have
`:var foo=1, bar, baz=3' to tell Babel that `bar' is a variable too.

- When a variable is declared, but no value assigned, Babel would look for a property (e.g. `:bar: 2') at point with the same name as the variable.

- If property inheritance is turned on, this means a variable can be specified at any level of the outline.

- If no further changes were made (such as the property accumulation Eric suggested), it would still be possible to /declare/ variables only at /one/ level of the outline besides in the code block and calls, since declarations all belong to the same `:var:' property. However, this approach would mean that declarations could be kept short and there would be a great deal of modularity in what values would be assigned.

Two examples follow.


Example 1.

Darlan suggested a special "inherit" argument, as follows:

* Code with foo
  :var:      foo=1

** Code with foo and bar
   :var:      bar=2, inherit
** Code with foo and baz
   :var:      baz=3, inherit

Here is the same example under my proposal and with property inheritance turned on:

* Code with foo
  :foo:      1

** Code with foo and bar
   :bar:      2

   src_block :var foo, bar

** Code with foo and baz
   :baz:      3

   src_block :var foo, baz

Instead of declaring foo,bar and foo,baz in the src_blocks, we could define them once and for all at the top of the outline:

* Code with foo
  :foo:      1
  :var: foo, bar, baz

** Code with foo and bar
   :bar:      2


** Code with foo and baz
   :baz:      3


Under the first subhead, Org-babel would know (because the :var: property is inherited) to look for foo, bar and baz properties. It would find values for foo and bar (bar is defined as a property of that subhead, foo is inherited from the top-level heading). It would not find any value for baz. At this point, since no value could be assigned to baz, it would be ignored and would not be passed to the code block.


Example 2.

Let's take Rainer's problem :

On 10/22/11 5:52 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

#+BABEL: :var SVNVERSION=(vc-working-revision (buffer-file-name))
#+BABEL: :var SVNSTATE=( symbol-name (vc-state (or (buffer-file-name) 
#+BABEL: :var SVNSTATENUM=(if (eq (vc-state (or (buffer-file-name) 
org-current-export-file)) 'up-to-date) 0 13)
#+BABEL: :var DISP_PACKAGE="seedDisp_0.4-13.tar.gz"

Have a buffer-level property for all the long lines (sorry if my email client wraps these lines):

#+PROPERTY: SVNVERSION (vc-working-revision (buffer-file-name))
#+PROPERTY: SVNSTATE ( symbol-name (vc-state (or (buffer-file-name) org-current-export-file))) #+PROPERTY: SVNSTATENUM (if (eq (vc-state (or (buffer-file-name) org-current-export-file)) 'up-to-date) 0 13)
#+PROPERTY: DISP_PACKAGE "seedDisp_0.4-13.tar.gz"

Also, we have a buffer-level line declaring all these variables, and including MAINVERSION with the ordinary assignment. Thanks to last night's change, we can list them all on one line.


I don't know what kind of code this example applies to, but let's imagine that we also have a header that resets one of these properties:

* Variant for main version 1

...and below that, we finally have a code block, with a header that declares a variable locally:

#+HEADERS: :var somelocalvar="something or other"
  while(...) {

This should expand to something like:

use warnings;
my $SVNVERSION = "0.4.13";
my $SVNSTATE = "something or other"
my $DISP_PACKAGE = "seedDisp_0.4-13.tar.gz";
my $somelocalvar = "something or other";
while(...) {


OK, hopefully my idea is clear by now.

Could it be made to work?
Would it solve some problems?
Would it mess other things up even worse?


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