
Brian Wightman <midlife...@wightmanfam.org> writes:

> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 7:12 AM, Sebastien Vauban
> <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> wrote:
>> For my information, why do you need to test that 2 suites don't run at the
>> same time?  They only write to temp buffers, no?  Can they conflict?
> If they do conflict and only one set of tests should run at a time,
> shouldn't the second set of tests be queued up so it runs when the
> first is complete?  If this isn't done, I could see a situation where
> at least one commit remains untested until the next commit.
> my $0.02;
> Brian

I would think it would make sense to ensure the newly committed code
also builds correctly (including info), and why not test back to Emacs
22 also (since that is how this thread came about)? I have set up
something similar, and doing all this takes less than 1 minute on my

Incidentally, I added info on running tests on Emacs 22 and 23 to Worg at 


Best, Martyn

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