Carsten Dominik <> writes:

> On Oct 27, 2011, at 4:00 PM, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:
>> Torsten Wagner <> writes:
>>> Well the FAQ tells me
>>> what I thought already. I will post here a specific solution for
>>> Japanese and it might be added to the FAQ later. Maybe others can
>>> contribute to add Chinese, Korean and other languages.
>> Personally I think that it does not woth to add a *specific*
>> solution for the faq, who knows how many non-fixed-width *fonts*
>> are out there ! ;-)
> No, but what would help is information on how to identify a font where
> each character is an integer width.  And maybe a few example fonts.

If you do a 

C-h C-\ RET tamil-itrans RET 

you will see a nicely aligned table which gives translation table for
tamil characters - (OK, Tamil is the language I speak) - which look like;filename=temp.png;att=1;bug=9336

Each entry is a *single* character but it made up of as much as 3 glyphs
(?) with each glyph being of fixed width(?). The alignment is produced
by doing something like:

,---- See (find-file (locate-library "indian.el"))
| (propertize "\t" 'display (list 'space :align-to clm))

I wonder whether similar strategy could be adopted.

ps: I don't understand much of what I am speaking. But I would like to
be able to use Tamil tables in Orgmode tables even though I may never
use it - sounds paradoxical isn't it.

> - Carsten
>> But I leave the last word to Matt Lundin. (cc)
>> Cheers,
>> Giovanni
> - Carsten


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