
I'm creating a beamer presentation and screencasting a walkthrough of
it for work. I wanted to use impress!ve, but was getting errors about
there being no pages in the document. [1] In looking this error up, it
seems that impressive requires pdf version 1.4, which can be passed
with this:


Unfortunately, exporting via Orgmode causes this error with that command:

| ! pdfTeX error (setup): \pdfminorversion cannot be changed after data is
| written to the PDF file.

In searching that error, I found the 1.4 documentation, which states:[2]

| it probably means that some package loaded before pdf14 did write
data to the PDF file.
| In case the document class is (indirectly) doing it, you’ll need to
load pdf14 even before the
| \documentclass command, using \RequirePackage{pdf14} as the first
line of your source file.

Using this suggestion solves my problem.

There doesn't seem to be a way to get this as the first line via
Orgmode; I have to export and then go to the .tex file directly to
change it. Any suggestions? I realize this is a pretty fringe case. If
it's one where it's just not worth it to implement something if
nothing already exists, that's completely acceptable to me. I just
thought I'd bring it up! It's primarily a nuisance because impressive
hasn't been updated in about a year. I wouldn't normally use it, but
the ability to zoom, use a "spotlight" for the mouse, and so on are
just really neat for something like this.

[1] http://impressive.sourceforge.net/


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