> It says "Org-mode version 7.7". However, I feel that there was
> something strange with my installation. I checked my files in my Emacs
> folder and everything seemed really messed up, so I just reinstalled
> org from the latest build and now it works! I had tried that before
> automatically with the package manager but now I used the package
> manager to install it from the file. I think that is where the strange
> installation came from originally.

It is not clear to me what you are saying here:

Did the package manager solve your problem or it didn't solve your

What version of emacs are you using? There were two previous instances
where people had issues with org-macs.el not being available when
certain files were compiled.

I have a feeling that it is not the problem with the people as such but
how package manager goes about compiling the files.

So any information you provide here will help improve the situation for
other folks.

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