Hi Nikolai,

> As I can hardly be the only person with two computers, a mobile, and a
> desire to keep my org-agenda-files in sync between these three
> computers, I’ll pose this question here: How do you have this set up?

I am using git to sync several laptops and Desktop computers.

Every 5 minutes a cronjob runs a shell script that automatically runs
=git pull= -- and =git add= on org files as well files listed in the
=.gitcroncommit= file.  The commit message is comprised of the filenames
of all changed files as well as a prefix for detection in git logs
("cron autocommit", parameterized) and the hostname.

The auto commit is performed only if
 - no files have been staged manually.
 - git is in the auto branch (where mine is always). This prevents
   cluttering the git history of the master branch.

When I change computers I run
[[http://www.neilvandyke.org/revbufs/revbufs.el][revbufs]] and can thus
quite seamlessly switch computers and just work on.

I know, tracking of text changes in 5 min intervals is obsessive.  But
it eases agenda clocking reviews tremendously.  I use git log for
displaying changes during an entry in the agenda.

I do not use MobileOrg because, when I last checked, the Android app
was not able to handle all my org files (it would need some fiddling
on what exactly I want mobile) and seemed to lack functionality
compared to the iphones.  Maybe I will give it another shot shortly.

I guess when you have synced org files across all your emacs instances,
pushing and pulling to mobileorg from any at (nearly) all times is possible.

I am glad to share the code, but it needs some cleanups and some stuff
is first emacs-lisp steps, clumsy and irresponsible.



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