At Thu, 03 Nov 2011 19:35:01 -0200,
Cassio Koshikumo wrote:
> Hi, all,
> On the last few days I've been working on a major mode derived from org-mode.
> While I was at it, I've encoutered some difficulties related to those reported
> by the OP (Stefan). Specifically: in a lot of places, org-mode will check if
> it's the current major-mode and, if it's not, will refuse to perform some
> important task.
> ...
> So, finally, here's my question: would it be possible to change all the (eq
> major-mode 'org-mode) tests and replace them with (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)? 
> Is
> there any reason not to do this?

Please see Carsten's post about the issue:

If you could provide a list of the functions that need to run in the
derived mode or a patch which changes these functions we could put in
the `derived-mode-p' selectively.

 -- David
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