David Maus <dm...@ictsoc.de> wrote:

> > What a mess - thanks for the clear explanation. Be that as it may, the
> > treatment of links in org-insert-link is inconsistent: in one case, the
> > link is unescaped once, in the other not at all.
> Hm. I still don't see an inconsistency here: `org-insert-link' reads a
> link, `org-open-at-point' calls the target application with exactly
> this link but applies percent escaping.

No, I mean the handling in org-insert-link itself:

line 9048 says

            (setq link (org-extract-attributes
                        (org-link-unescape (org-match-string-no-properties 1))))

but further down, on line 9114 the link is not unescaped:

            (setq link
                  (let ((org-completion-use-ido nil)
                        (org-completion-use-iswitchb nil))
                     "Link: "
                      (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (concat x ":")))
                      (mapcar 'car org-stored-links))
                     nil nil nil
                     (car (car org-stored-links)))))

The last line of org-insert-link then takes the value of link (unescaped in
one case but not the other), passes it to org-make-link-string and inserts
the result.

That's what I thought was inconsistent.


> Maybe we could drop this last escaping and push the responsibilty of
> handling non-conformant URLs to the target application. After all: If
> the user enters an unescaped link and the target application can't
> handle it, it's the users fault.
> > So I presume that a single unescaping is desirable (it would
> > e.g. deal with both wikipedia links correctly). But there will be
> > corner cases where this will fail and some manual editing of the
> > link will be necessary,
> If you mean unescape the user input in step 1 (`org-insert-link'):
> This could work, too. Besides the edge cases it requires some care to
> stored links (via `org-store-links') -- the percent character is a
> valid character for certain link types (e.g. message ids).
> Personally I start to like the idea of just dopping the escaping
> before calling the target application.
> Best,
>   -- David
> --
> OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6
> Jabber.... dmj...@jabber.org
> Email..... dm...@ictsoc.de

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