> Hi everyone,
> I am about to start experimenting with Erik Hetzner's zotero-plain,
> which allows the use of zotero as a bibliographic manager in emacs &
> especially org-mode (https://bitbucket.org/egh/zotero-plain as well
> as a couple of threads on this list, I think).

For Erik's benefit:

org-mode has a native ODT exporter implemented by org-odt.el. The
documentation - org-odt.pdf - can be seen *attached* to this mailing
list post: 

The following section - sec. no. 1.1.4 Applying Custom Styles - talks
about where the ODT exporter picks the style from.

Notes to self:

1. styles.odt is here.
   - https://bitbucket.org/egh/zotero-plain/src/66353860ebdd/python
   Styles seem to have rststyle as a prefix.

2. example.odt is here.
   - https://bitbucket.org/egh/zotero-plain/src/66353860ebdd/example

   Contains a bibiliographic content presumably created by zrst2odt

3. zrst2odt is here.
   - https://bitbucket.org/egh/zotero-plain/src/66353860ebdd/python/bin

4. Elisp code is here.
   - https://bitbucket.org/egh/zotero-plain/src/66353860ebdd/elisp

   1. org-zotero.el

      This permits insertion of zotero reference links *only* and
      opening them with a browser. 

      Specifically I don't see the translator of these links to
      individual backends like latex, html or more importantly ODT.

      #+begin_src emacs-lisp
        (org-add-link-type TYPE &optional FOLLOW EXPORT)

   2. zotero.el

      This (apparently) permits download of data from firefox and
      importing it within Emacs.

I have an impression that I have is this:


I am not able to make up my mind quickly about whether there is support
for translating org-style zotero links to rst-stlye <whatever>.

Notes to Matt Price or other users of zotero + libreoffice

I see a post from you - titled "zoteroOpenOfficeIntegration doesn't open
port?" - in the zotero forums a few hours ago. Here is a link to
libreoffice related posts on zotero's forums.


So I believe if you or someone could post a OpenOffice document -
created through zotero - which uses zotero-style citation and
references - to this mailing list or this very thread - these could be
used as a primer to export zotero links to ODT. (Similarly for other Org
supported backends).

It would be wonderful if the example uses as many of the zotero fields -
(as in database fields) - in as many usage contexts as possible.

General comments

1. Zotero supports many citation stlyes. So Org/Zotero integration could
   choose one citation style that is widely agreeable for one-off
   colloboration needs.

2. I don't know if importing Zotero stylenames verbatim in to org-odt's
   style file would "pollute" it - thereby preventing org-odt from
   getting in to Emacs proper.

   I am not competent to judge what the copyright and license terms of
   the stylenames used by zotero plugin are. I am seeing that zotero
   itself is AGPL so I believe it is Free as in "Free Software".

3. Even if zotero's ODT style cannot be used by the ODT exporter due
   (2), I can cook up Org's own stlyenames for various citation fields
   and allow the user to remap Org* stlyenames to say Zotero* stlynames.

I see Org already has some(?) support for bibtex. Can anyone comment on
bibtex vs zotero? They seem to serve same purpose - citation
management. Can bibtex be used instead of zotero.

I am not a researcher or academic. So I would need help from potential
users for this to move forward.

>   I'm wonderinghow other people have used it, and in particular
> whether there's any way to preserve the zotero markup across exports
> to odt especially. That is, I'd like to keep the original citations
> embedded in the final odt, so that I can continue to use zotero in an
> odt or doc file after it's been exported from org. 
> This would take me very , very close to a complete org-centric
> workflow that still lets me produce documents for consumption by my
> MS-using colleagues.  I really hope it's possible to do! If anyone
> has done it, I would really love to hear about it. 
> Thanks,
> Matt


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