Hi Bernt,

Bernt Hansen wrote:
> Tommy Kelly <tommy.ke...@verilab.com> writes:
>> I'm trying to set up a custom agenda view such that when I enter my
>> agenda I get, automatically:
>> - daily view mode (for today)
>> - log file mode on
>> - grid on
>> - Follow mode on
>> I can see from the docs how to modify the various variables that
>> control some of how agendas look. But the above are controlled by
>> functions and I'm not sure how to have those invoked when I open an
>> agenda.
>> I've been messing with org-mode-agenda-hook and
>> org-agenda-after-show-hook, but I clearly don't know what I'm doing.
> Something like this:
> (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
>       (quote (( "x" "Test Agenda" agenda "" 
>               ((org-agenda-start-with-follow-mode t)
>                (org-agenda-span 'day)
>                (org-agenda-start-with-log-mode t))))))
> but it doesn't handle the grid - I have that on by default by setting 
> (setq org-agenda-time-grid (quote ((daily today remove-match)
>                                  #("----------------" 0 16 (org-heading t))
>                                  (830 1000 1200 1300 1500 1700))))
> which you can probably add to the above agenda definition but I didn't
> bother.  If there are no items to display on the agenda there is a bug
> where the grid is not shown but otherwise I think this works.

I don't think that's a bug: this seems to be handled -- see parameter
`require-timed' in the doc:

    ┏━━━━┫ C-h v org-agenda-time-grid ┃
    ┃ org-agenda-time-grid is a variable defined in `org-agenda.el'.
    ┃ Its value is ((daily today require-timed)
    ┃  ""
    ┃  (800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200))
    ┃ Original value was 
    ┃ ((daily today require-timed)
    ┃  "----------------"
    ┃  (800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000))
    ┃ Documentation:
    ┃ The settings for time grid for agenda display.
    ┃ This is a list of three items.  The first item is again a list.  It 
    ┃ symbols specifying conditions when the grid should be displayed:
    ┃  daily         if the agenda shows a single day
    ┃  weekly        if the agenda shows an entire week
    ┃  today         show grid on current date, independent of daily/weekly 
    ┃  require-timed show grid only if at least one item has a time 
    ┃ The second item is a string which will be placed behind the grid time.
    ┃ The third item is a list of integers, indicating the times that should 
    ┃ a grid line.
    ┃ You can customize this variable.
    ┃ [back]

However, that's not clear to me (yet) what's `remove-match'.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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