Hi Eric

Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Martyn,
> I have all tests passing in a branch in the Org-mode git repo (which I
> plan to merge into master soon).  Could you try a run of this on the
> standard-code-block-syntax branch?

I've added the standard-code-block-syntax branch to my test server, and
have configured notification so that you will be informed via email on
failure. Unfortunately, the branch is currently failing, as are all
other builds including my test-branch. I will try to take a look
tomorrow on why three tests are failing.

> As a side note, how automated is your crusecontrol.rb setup?  Would you
> recommend this as a way to run automated tests on the Org-mode server
> after every git commit?

It is completely autonomous, git-pulling, cleaning, building, building
docs, and running tests within 10 minutes or so of a fresh commit to the
Org repository. Builds are serialized.

I would certainly recommend it as an easy way of setting up a test
server, since everything you need is built-in, such as email
notification (notifying the list is of course a possibility), RSS, and
rapid backtrace investigation etc. 

I have come across other gnu projects that use cruisecontrolrb.

Your server would need Ruby installed (I use v1.9.2), but installation
should be straight-forward since I have already written the scripts,
which is fairly simple anyway.

Hope that helps

Best Martyn

> Thanks -- Eric
> Martyn Jago <martyn.j...@btinternet.com> writes:
>> Hi 
>> All automated regression tests broken since 7720786 commit
>> http://martynjago.com:3333
>> Best, Martyn

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