Hi, All

I got a funny (or strange) problem when I published to latex with #+INCLUDE
other org file

problem: if there is no any * first line in the index.org file before the
#+INCLUDE otherfile.org, there will be no table of contents. Other wise it

For example, there are one index file and other files (all are org files),
like index.org and chapter1.org

a, No table of contents in latex file, IF index.org is below,
#+LaTeX_CLASS: book

#+TITLE: some title

This note describes measurement of something.

#+LATEX: \tableofcontents
#+LATEX: \listoftables
#+LATEX: \listoffigures

#+INCLUDE: chapter1.org

b, there is a table of content, IF I simply change "#+INCLUDE: chapter1.org"
* first line , anything
#+INCLUDE: chapter1.org

Please help to correct if it is a bug. Thanks a lot.

PS, I have org 7.7 on windows 7.
in .emacs file, there is
(defun org-export-latex-no-toc (depth)
    (when depth
      (format "%% Org-mode is exporting headings to %s levels.\n"
  (setq org-export-latex-format-toc-function 'org-export-latex-no-toc)

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