Nick Dokos <nicholas.dokos <at>> writes:
> That doesn't matter here: both of the above should work fine in a bash
> (or similar) shell environment. I prefer the single quote style in
> general, since it allows me to leave everything else unchanged[fn:1].
> But shell quoting is a minefield: when you have to quote *parts* of an
> expression and leave other parts unquoted so that the shell can get to
> them (e.g. to evaluate shell variables and `...` or $(...) constructs),
> life starts to get difficult - and that's just the beginning[fn:2].

Nick -- Thanks for clarifying, I didn't read Tom's post closely enough or I
would have seen that the export was indeed getting called.

I've been working with getting the batch quoting working both for bash and for
windows command line (in VimOrganizer clone), trying to keep them as much alike
as possible.  I think I have things working okay for now, but your tips may be
helpful if I end up with something more complex to send.



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