On Wed, 23 Nov 2011, Christian Moe wrote:
> Does Org document header data include more than author, title, date, 
> description and keywords. So I'd be inclined to go with Dublin Core 
> for this, and just twin the ordinary META tags (which Zotero doesn't 
> bother with, probably wisely) with DC equivalents.

I haven't played around with the Dublin Core tags yet, but I'll give
this a try and see how it works.

> Doing it as below, with a hook at the end of html export, is more than 
> a little clumsy, but it will do for testing purposes. If people think 
> it's a good idea to do this in HTML exports on a permanent basis, a 
> non-clumsy version could be patched into org-export-as-html.

Thanks, that looks like a good start!

Erik L. Arneson <dyb...@lnouv.com>
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