Hi Jean,

Look at the `org-babel-haskell-export-to-lhs' function defined in
ob-haskell.el.  It should be usable to export an Org-mode file with
Haskell code blocks to a latex-style .lhs file with Haskell code blocks.

Best -- Eric

Jean-Marie Gaillourdet <j...@gaillourdet.net> writes:

> Hi everybody,
> I'd be interested to use org syntax in the comments of a literate
> haskell file. I know and use occasionally org-babel. Though, this
> question is not about org-babel. I am merely interested in telling
> org-mode to leave the code parts of a literate Haskell file alone,
> i.e. similar to code blocks in org-mode. I have no propblem with
> switching between org-mode and literate-haskell-mode depending on what
> I am currently editing. I am not interested in org-babel because I
> don't want to have a separate weaving step in my build system.
> In case you don't know: Literate Haskell files (ending with .lhs) come
> in two flavors: bird style and latex style. In bird style every line
> is a comment unless it has '>' in the first column. And in latex style
> code blocks are surround with \begin{code} and \end{code}. Haskell
> implementations do not care what is in the non-code parts. So, I'd
> like to use org markup and especially the editing features of
> org-mode. I'd prefer to work in bird-style and latex-style would be
> fine as well.
> Do you have any ideas/pointers how to achieve that?
> Thanks for your help!
> Cheers, 
>  Jean

Eric Schulte

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