I've been using org-mode and emacs for several months and recently
decided to set up org-capture and org-mac-protocol. org-capture works
fine but I'm having trouble getting org-mac-protocol to work properly
from a browser.
I'm setting it up per the instructions in "org-mac-protocol.org"
fromvgithub, but must be doing something dumb. Searching the archive
and trying variations has not solved my problem.

It seems to me that the applescript is communicating with the emacs
server as I see the following:

When I select org-link in the browser, the *Messages* buffer shows a line like:

`M-x org-insert-link' to insert new org-link, `C-y' to insert

which also temporarily appears in the mini-buffer.

When I select org-note, a small centered "mac-remember" frame appears
with whatever buffer I had been looking at previously, and *Messages*
shows (for example):

Greedy org-protocol handler. Killing client.
No server buffers remain to edit
protocol: Google    << Google.com was the page org-note was called from.

Another oddity is between initiating the org-link or org-note and
looking at buffers in emacs, I get two OS X dialogs in sequence asking
to locate "Skim.app" and "BibDesk.app" neither of which are installed
or requested by me.

I'd really appreciate any help getting this working.



PS. I have the same problem in Aquamacs and a more standard version of
Emacs both OS X 10.7 (Lion). org-version is 7.7
org-mac-protocol is the latest from github

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