Hi Nick,

Thanks for you answer and your verification. 

> Thanks for providing your setup. I think you are right about the code
> and I don't see any way to turn it off.
> It looks like another band-aid to me (and org-html definitely has more
> than its fair share of those), particularly given the comment about
> org-infojs: presumably, after org-infojs is fixed to look for it in
> the preamble, then the <h1> header can be deleted from the "content"
> div
> (although anything I say about HTML should be taken with a large grain
> of salt).

The thing is, this is a 'new' thing, as the git blame log also
suggests.  Which is bothersome.  But okay.

> Next question: can't you get rid of the instance in your preamble at
> least
> temporarily? Does it have to be in the "top" div?

Well, you know, I would have to redesign my website.  It is possible,
but I like it. . .

The header on each side is something like:

| Title        |             | Menu          |
| Left aligned | empty space | Right aligned |

Which is rather neat IMO.

It used to work.  I don't know under which version of Org I wrote
(probably mostly stole :) the original CSS but I am guessing 7.6.

I had hoped for some command I could #+BIND to have Org behave as
before, (e.g. similar to the BIND for removing \maketitle in LaTeX).

Thanks for the help,

Sent from my Emacs

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