Niels Giesen <> writes:

> Could you provide us with a minimal example of how this new functionality
> can be used?

Sure, sorry.  Here we go:

--- start here ---
#+TITLE: Example of using hfmt
#+AUTHOR: Christophe Rhodes

* Introduction
  This document shows the use of the =hfmt= tag in =#+LaTeX_ATTR=
  lines to customize table headings.  Analgous functionality is
  available in HTML export by customizing the style of =th= tags.
* Example table

#+ATTR_LaTeX: hfmt=\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{%s}}
| table       | headings  |
| body        | cells     |
| have        | unchanged |
| formatting. |           |
---  end here  ---

> I am trying to test it and see if there are any conflicts with my patch of
> late to supports the booktabs package @
>  (aside from one of the two
> patches not applying without some minor human intervention around line
> 1998).

Apart from the code conflict itself, I don't see why it shouldn't work:
this patch only changes the export of individual cells, while the
booktabs one alters the export of lines :-).  Your patch took the
approach I originally took too, with a customization variable; Carsten
(in May, aeons ago) suggested that an attribute might be preferable,
which is why I've reworked it in this way.  (It might be sensible for my
patch to have a configuration variable so that there could be a
document-wide default, too; I don't know whether it would be sensible
for yours to be customizeable using ATTR_LaTeX...

> Besides that, it would in general be good to have an example for
> documentation purposes.

I hope this helps,


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