Christian Moe <mail <at>> writes:
> Hi, Herb,
> I keep this in my .emacs:
> (setq org-export-html-special-string-regexps
>        (cons
>         '(" \"\\([^\"]+\\)\"" . " &ldquo;\\1&rdquo;")
>         org-export-html-special-string-regexps))
> There may be a better way to do it altogether, and I'm sure the very 
> simple regexp could be improved on (in fact, I'm posting this in the 
> hope someone will improve on it), but it mostly works.
> Yours,
> Christian

Christian -- Thanks a lot.  If there's nothing built in to Org to do it then
that looks like a good method.  

Question: Does this work only if quotes both appear on the same line of Org-mode
text?  Or is the regex applied to paragraph as a whole after it's been assembled
as part of export?

It looks like it does only double-quotes; makes me realize single quotes are a
bit harder because they're often used alone as apostrophes.  It seems like even
single-quote pairs could work well if you put beginning-of-word (\<) and
end-of-word (\<) regex anchors in there.  

Beginning-of-word and end-of-word anchors may be appropriate even for the
double-quote search, so maybe something like change below could be improvement.
Take it for what's it's worth, since I don't do emacs regexes.

>         '("\<\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"\>" . " &ldquo;\\1&rdquo;")

-- Herb

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