On 12/10/2011 06:31 PM, Andrea Crotti wrote:
> For quite a long time I had my emacs configuration in a big org-mode
> file (https://github.com/AndreaCrotti/Emacs-configuration).
> The file has is more than 3500 lines now, and I think the experiment has
> failed in a sense.  The problem is that this even if this style is great
> to produce nice documents and add a lot of useful text, is quite bad to
> actually write modular code.
> I rely quite heavily on the order in which things are declared for
> example, instead of having different libraries to load.
> So I guess I will switch to a multiple files structure again, which is
> more "programmer friendly in a sense".
> Anyone else had similar experiences?

It's quite a hard task to migrate more than 3500 lines :S
This little function is helping a lot, I replace all the :tangle yes
setting the right destination name for the given block,
so at least I do the first big transiction with org-babel..

(defun ca-replace-with-file (fname)
         (interactive "sWith String:?\n")
         (let ((fname (format "modules/ca-%s.el" fname)))
           (query-replace ":tangle yes" (concat ":tangle " fname))

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