Sankalp <> writes:

> Hi,
> I've been using org mode's #+BEGIN_SRC ... <code> #+END_SRC feature to
> display source code.
> I was wondering if there's a way to include code from an external file.
> Like the *\lstinputlisting* feature in the LaTeX *listings* package.

You could write a code block which when executed wraps the file's
contents in a code block which is then inserted into the Org-mode
buffer.  For example if your external file is named foo.c and holds C
code the following

#+begin_src sh :exports results :results raw output
  echo "#+BEGIN_SRC C"
  cat foo.c
  echo "#+END_SRC"

will insert its contents into the buffer during every export.

Best -- Eric

Eric Schulte

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