
Why org-column has a different font, than default?
It's event not monospace! (DejaVu Sans in my case (foncofig's default))

OK. I want to set org-column font to same as default font.
How should I do this?

(set-face-font 'org-column (face-font 'default))
Doesn't work, is says: error: Invalid face, org-column

OK, but
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda ()
       (set-face-font 'org-column (face-font 'default))))
also doesn't work, without any error.

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda ()
        (set-face-font 'org-column "terminus-10")))
works, but I don't want to write terminus-10 twice in my config.


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