On 12/18/2011 04:13 AM, Takaaki ISHIKAWA wrote:

> C-c C-j d/e/g/h
> (org-show-siblings)
> (org-show-entry)

May be you mean
(setq org-show-siblings t)
Also there is no org-show-entry variable, may be you mean
(setq org-show-entry-below t)

As I say org-show-entry-below is good so I switched it on for org-goto:
(setq org-show-entry-below '((org-goto . t)))
but it has nothing with main problem.

org-show-siblings is also not that I want. It show all siblings of all
expanded levels. And want to change this view:

* a...
* b...
** d...
*** e...
**** g...
***** h    <- cursor is here
- some
- list
* c...

to this:

* a...
* b...
** d...
*** e...
**** g...
***** hhh...
***** hh...
***** h    <- cursor is here
- some
- list
***** hhhh...
***** hhhhh...
* c...

and not to this:

* a...
* b...
** dd...
** d
*** ee...
*** e
**** ggg...
**** g
***** hhh...
***** hh...
***** h    <- cursor is here
- some
- list
***** hhhh...
***** hhhhh...
**** ggg...
**** ggg...
** ddd...
* c...


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