Running org-export-as-latex on:
> #+STARTUP: beamer
> #+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
> double tmp0 = yp[0];

generates the following traceback.  Adding a "* foo" line above the BEGIN_SRC 
avoids the problem.

Using org-mode from git;  SHA1 0c09a9e7683c79c8525f87ccd1b7ba0255a94b1c


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "unbalanced begin/end_src blocks with 
\" 0 11 (fontified nil font-lock-fontified t org-category \"bug\") 11 13 
(fontified nil font-lock-fontified t org-category \"bug\") 13 14 (fontified nil 
font-lock-fontified t org-category \"bug\"))")
  signal(error ("unbalanced begin/end_src blocks with #(\"#+BEGIN_SRC C\n\" 0 
11 (fontified nil font-lock-fontified t org-category \"bug\") 11 13 (fontified 
nil font-lock-fontified t org-category \"bug\") 13 14 (fontified nil 
font-lock-fontified t org-category \"bug\"))"))
  error("unbalanced begin/end_%s blocks with %S" src #("#+BEGIN_SRC C\n" 0 11 
(fontified nil font-lock-fontified t org-category "bug") 11 13 (fontified nil 
font-lock-fontified t org-category "bug") 13 14 (fontified nil 
font-lock-fontified t org-category "bug")))
       \204\327\327 7\341\216\3425\317\224{!*,/>\204\346,/B/\327 
d\"\210\351\352!.\207" [progress-marker preserve-indent headers body end start 
t nil fboundp interblock ((byte-code "\203\302       
M\210\202\303\302!\210\302\207" [--cl-letf-bound-- --cl-letf-save-- 
interblock fmakunbound] 2)) #[(start end) "\301\302\"\207" 
[org-export-interblocks mapcar #[(pair) "\211A@)\n\"\207" [pair x start end] 
4]] 3] "^\\([         ]*\\)#\\+begin_\\(\\S-+\\)[     ]*\\(.*\\)?[
\n]" re-search-forward copy-marker 0 match-string 1 format "[
\n][    ]*#\\+\\(begin\\|end\\)_%s" regexp-quote 2 intern match-data 
((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data 
evaporate] 3)) org-split-string 3 "[        ]+" "-i" zerop "end" error 
"unbalanced begin/end_%s blocks with %S" ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" 
[save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) org-remove-indentation 
((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data 
evaporate] 3)) assoc ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal 
set-match-data evaporate] 3)) "" apply indent-code-rigidly run-hooks 
org-export-blocks-postblock-hook func type indentation matched types 
case-fold-search --cl-letf-bound-- ...] 13)
  org-export-preprocess-string(#("#+STARTUP: beamer\n#+LaTeX_CLASS: 
beamer\n\n#+BEGIN_SRC C\ndouble tmp0 = yp[0];\n#+END_SRC\n" 0 17 (fontified nil 
font-lock-fontified t org-category "bug") 17 18 (fontified nil 
font-lock-fontified t org-category "bug") 18 39 (fontified nil 
font-lock-fontified t org-category "bug") 39 40 (fontified nil 
font-lock-fontified t org-category "bug") 40 41 (fontified nil org-category 
"bug" :org-license-to-kill t) 41 52 (fontified nil font-lock-fontified t 
org-category "bug") 52 54 (fontified nil font-lock-fontified t org-category 
"bug") 54 55 (fontified nil font-lock-fontified t org-category "bug") 55 71 
(fontified nil font-lock-fontified t org-category "bug" :org-license-to-kill t) 
71 75 (fontified nil font-lock-fontified t org-category "bug" 
:org-license-to-kill t) 75 76 (fontified nil font-lock-fontified t org-category 
"bug" :org-license-to-kill t) 76 85 (fontified nil font-lock-fontified t 
org-category "bug") 85 86 (fontified nil org-category "bug")) :emph-multiline t 
:for-backend latex :comments nil :tags nil :priority nil :footnotes t :drawers 
nil :timestamps t :todo-keywords t :tasks t :add-text nil 
:skip-before-1st-heading nil :select-tags ("export") :exclude-tags ("noexport") 
:LaTeX-fragments nil)
  call-interactively(org-export nil nil)

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