Nick Dokos <> wrote:

> John Hendy <> wrote:
> >     That's all that's needed to produce separate title and TOC pages and
> >     keep the rest of the article class intact. If you don't like the
> >     titlepage format, you can modify it to your heart's content: you will
> >     need to figure out the LaTeX part to do that, but that's not as
> >     difficult as you might think it is at first sight - and I guarantee that
> >     you will have an easier time this way than fighting the org latex
> >     exporter, a fight that you will probably lose :-) IMO, of course.
> > 
> > I just did this and took a different method. I simply added:
> > 
> > ---
> > #+text: \input{./title.tex}
> > ---
> > 
> > to the beginning of my document. Then I created a separate .tex file
> > with the title. If something is recurring, maybe it's worth the
> > separate article class file. If not, I think it *might* be simpler to
> > just define a custom title page and do as above. I think I just
> > followed
> > this:
> > 
> > Up to you! I can't guarantee this is right; I'm on a work computer and did 
> > this on my home one.
> > 
> ... but you have to do something (or perhaps *not* do something) in order to 
> convince
> the org latex exporter not to produce a title page, right? Is it something 
> simple
> like omitting #+TITLE and #+AUTHOR?

One has to either a) explicitly have an empty #+TITLE: or b) set
org-export-latex-title-command to "". The in-file setting for the latter

#+BIND: org-export-latex-title-command ""



is easier :-)


PS. BTW, there's plenty o' stuff on the mailing list about such problems:

and probably much more...

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