> Use list-tables which is a Experimental-cum-ODT-only feature. See the
> attachment.

Additional note: List tables are also a feature of the XHTML backend.

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/org-mode/contrib/lisp")
M-x load-library RET org-xhtml RET
M-x org-export-as-xhtml-and-open RET

See the attached HTML output for what you get.

* Testing

- Say Hello in Perl
  #+begin_src perl :results output
    # Perl
    sub say_hello {
          print "Hello, world";
  - Say Hello in Python
    #+begin_src python :results output
      # Python
      def say_hello():
            print("Hello, world")
Title: side-by-side


Table of Contents

1 Testing

Say Hello in Perl

# Perl
		sub say_hello {
		print "Hello, world";


Say Hello in Python

# Python
		def say_hello():
		print("Hello, world")


Date: 2011-12-28 10:54:15 India Standard Time

Author: Jambunathan K

Org version 7.8.02 with Emacs version 24

Validate XHTML 1.0
>>> hth,
>>> Christian
>>> ---
>>> #+title: Side by side code blocks
>>> #+style: <style>pre.src {display: table-cell;}</style>
>>> How to say hello in two languages:
>>> #+begin_src perl :results output
>>>    # Perl
>>>    sub say_hello {
>>>        print "Hello, world";
>>>    }
>>>    say_hello;
>>> #+end_src
>>> #+begin_src python :results output
>>>    # Python
>>>    def say_hello():
>>>        print("Hello, world")
>>>    say_hello()
>>> #+end_src


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