Hi list,

This is my first post, so just let me say first that I have been using
org-mode for 10 months or so and I love it. It's an exceptional
package, and before I ask my question I would just like to thank
Carsten, Bastien, and the community for the great work and for

Now my question: I am trying to extract code from a .org file by
tangling with noweb-style references. As I understand from the manual,
if I write <<foo>> in a code block, the line will be expanded with the
code block named foo. This name I can set with #+NAME:  or with the
:noweb-ref header argument. Both ways work for me, except that I
cannont set the :noweb-ref argument through a property.

The following example is almost verbatim from the manual:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle yes :noweb yes :shebang #!/bin/sh

* the mount point of the fullest disk

** query all mounted disks

#+HEADER: :noweb-ref fullest-disk
        df \

** strip the header row
  :noweb-ref: fullest-disk
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :noweb yes
        |sed '1d' \

If I understand correctly, tangling should produce a file which is a
concatenation of the two code blocks. However, when I do
org-babel-tangle, only the first block   is inserted. Am I doing
something wrong?

I'm with emacs 23.2.1 and org-mode 7.8.02

Thanks in advance,


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