Sheng Xue <> wrote:

> I added ".py" to the exec-suffixed :
> (setq exec-suffixes (cons ".py" exec-suffixes))
> but the function "exectuable-find" still can't find *.py files.  Any idea?
> I am running emacs on Windows 7. Thanks.

Can't help with Windows, but when I tried it on Linux, it found a .py file:

(executable-find "ana")

Necessary prerequisites:

o my PATH included /home/nick/bin
o /home/nick/bin/ is executable
o ".py" has been added to exec-suffixes as above.

In particular, executable-find will *not* find .py files (even
executable ones) in an arbitrary directory; it will also *not* find .py
files in a directory in your PATH if they are not marked executable (on
Linux, the mode of the file has to be set to something like 755 for it
to be executable).


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