Hi everyone,

I just wanted to make sure my original questions / problems were clearly stated 
since no one responded to my original email.  

1.  I think there is a bug when exporting the visible part of the outline tree 
to a latex file (C-c C-e v l).  Html export of the visible part works fine, but 
the behavior of the latex export is not the same (please see my original 
message below).

2.  Is there a way to publish a project (C-c C-e X <project>) and have it 
respect the value of org-show-hierarchy-above?

On Dec 29, 2011, at 1:02 PM, John MacCallum wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have an org file with this structure:
> * head                                                                        
> ** topic 1                                                           :topic:  
> *** foo                                                                       
> **** some foo                                                           :foo: 
> *** bar                                                                       
> **** some bar                                                           :bar: 
> ** topic 2                                                                    
> *** foo                                                                       
> **** some other foo                                                     :foo: 
> *** bar                                                                       
> **** some other bar                                                     :bar:
> and I would like to collect all entries with the tag foo and export them to a 
> latex file.  I have the variable org-show-hierarchy-above set to nil, so f I 
> run C-c \ "foo", I get this:
> * head...                                                                     
> **** some foo                                                           
> :foo:...                                   
> **** some other foo                                                     
> :foo:...  
> which is exactly what I would like to export.  But when I go to export using 
> C-c C-e v l, the resulting latex file doesn't contain any of the entries 
> below the top ("head") level:
> % Created 2011-12-29 Thu 12:47                                                
> \documentclass{article}                                                       
> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}                                                   
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}                                                      
> \usepackage{fixltx2e}                                                         
> \usepackage{graphicx}                                                         
> \usepackage{longtable}                                                        
> \usepackage{float}                                                            
> \usepackage{wrapfig}                                                          
> \usepackage{soul}                                                             
> \usepackage{textcomp}                                                         
> \usepackage{marvosym}                                                         
> \usepackage{wasysym}                                                          
> \usepackage{latexsym}                                                         
> \usepackage{amssymb}                                                          
> \usepackage{hyperref}                                                         
> \tolerance=1000                                                               
> \usepackage{fullpage}                                                         
> \providecommand{\alert}[1]{\textbf{#1}}                                       
> \title{org}                                                                   
> \author{John MacCallum}                                                       
> \date{\today}                                                                 
> \hypersetup{                                                                  
>  pdfkeywords={},                                                              
>  pdfsubject={},                                                               
>  pdfcreator={Emacs Org-mode version 7.8.02}}                                  
> \begin{document}                                                              
> \maketitle                                                                    
> \setcounter{tocdepth}{3}                                                      
> \tableofcontents                                                              
> \vspace*{1cm}                                                                 
> \section{head}                                                                
> \label{sec-1}                                                                 
> \end{document}                                                                
> The html export does work as expected, however, and produces a nice bulleted 
> list of entries tagged "foo".  Also, the latex export works fine if I use it 
> to export the entire file instead of just the visible portion.
> As an alternative, I tried creating a project by setting the 
> org-publish-project-alist variable like this:
> (setq org-publish-project-alist                                               
>        '(("foo"                                                               
>                :base-directory "~/toys/org"                                   
>                :base-extension "org"                                          
>                :publishing-directory "~/toys/org"                             
>                :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-pdf                    
>                :section-numbers nil                                           
>                :select-tags ("foo")                                           
>                :include ("org.org")))) 
> and exported using C-c C-e X "foo", which works ok, but the value of the 
> variable org-show-hierarchy-above is not respected, so I end up with a latex 
> file that has the entire hierarchy above the foo-tagged entries, which is not 
> what I want.
> If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.
> Also, I'm using GNU Emacs 24.50.1 from the git repository built a few weeks 
> ago, and the latest org-mode from git built yesterday.
> Thanks in advance,
> JM

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