Hi York,

York Zhao <gtdplatf...@gmail.com> writes:

> I'm wondering if there is a way to export ONLY the LaTeX code within
> "#+begin_latex" and "#+end_latex". I want the exact literal export without
> adding anything before and after my code. The result should be exactly the 
> same
> as if I have copied the block between "#+begin_latex" and "#+end_latex" and
> pasted to a new buffer.

I would use code blocks tangling

| #+TITLE: Test
| * Test headline
| #+begin_src tex :tangle yes
| \documentclass{article}
| \begin{document}
| ...
| \end{document}
| #+end_src

`C-c C-v t' on the block will create a .tex file with the exact content
of the #+begin_src block.



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