Martyn Jago <> writes:

> Eric Schulte <> writes:
>> Martyn Jago <> writes:
>>> Martyn Jago <> writes:
>>> [...]
>>> The problem appears to be associated with the way `member' works:
>>>  - on Emacs 23+ the following doesn't generate an error 
>>>  - on Emacs 22 it generates "Wrong type argument: listp, 58"
>>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>> (member 116 58) 
>>> #+end_src
>>> `org-babel-balanced-split' appears to rely on not generating an error
>>> when the `member' LIST parameter is actually a number.
>> Ah, I see where this comes in, does the included alternative definition
>> of this function fix the issue on Emacs22?  If so I'll apply this change
>> to the repository.
>> Thanks,
>> (defun org-babel-balanced-split (string alts)
>>   "Split STRING on instances of ALTS.
>> ALTS is a cons of two character options where each option may be
>> either the numeric code of a single character or a list of
>> character alternatives.  For example to split on balanced
>> instances of \"[ \t]:\" set ALTS to '((32 9) . 58)."
>>   (flet ((matches (ch spec) (or (and (numberp spec) (= spec ch))
>>                              (not (numberp spec) (member ch spec))))
> [...]
> Hi Eric
> I fixed a typo on your fix, and added a regression test, and it now
> works on Emacs 22. Thanks!

Great, both the test case and a fixed version of this function are now
applied to the git repository.


> Best, Martyn
> (defun org-babel-balanced-split (string alts)
>   "Split STRING on instances of ALTS.
> ALTS is a cons of two character options where each option may be
> either the numeric code of a single character or a list of
> character alternatives.  For example to split on balanced
> instances of \"[ \t]:\" set ALTS to '((32 9) . 58)."
>   (flet ((matches (ch spec) (or (and (numberp spec) (= spec ch))
>                               (and (not (numberp spec))
>                                    (member ch spec))))
>        (matched (ch last)
>                 (if (consp alts)
>                     (and (matches ch (cdr alts))
>                          (matches last (car alts)))
>                   (matches ch alts))))
>     (let ((balance 0) (quote nil) (partial nil) (lst nil) (last 0))
>       (mapc (lambda (ch)  ; split on [], (), "" balanced instances of [ \t]:
>             (setq balance (+ balance
>                              (cond ((or (equal 91 ch) (equal 40 ch)) 1)
>                                    ((or (equal 93 ch) (equal 41 ch)) -1)
>                                    (t 0))))
>             (when (and (equal 34 ch) (not (equal 92 last)))
>               (setq quote (not quote)))
>             (setq partial (cons ch partial))
>             (when (and (= balance 0) (not quote) (matched ch last))
>               (setq lst (cons (apply #'string (nreverse
>                                                (if (consp alts)
>                                                    (cddr partial)
>                                                  (cdr partial))))
>                               lst))
>               (setq partial nil))
>             (setq last ch))
>           (string-to-list string))
>       (nreverse (cons (apply #'string (nreverse partial)) lst)))))
> (ert-deftest test-ob/org-babel-balanced-split ()
>   (should (equal
>          '(":a 1" "b [2 3]" "c (4 :d (5 6))")
>          (org-babel-balanced-split ":a 1 :b [2 3] :c (4 :d (5 6))" '((32 9) . 
> 58)))))

Eric Schulte

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